Words that forgive the concubine of the rich Your Majesty. Clearly, as each of His Majesty's hands and that of the concubine have five fingers. In the fields of the kingdom, there are two or three harvests a year. That not all countries have. The forest is immense, so many precious and strange things: Agarwood, rhino, white elephant, conifer, amber, cinnamon, anise, pepper, amomum, and shiitake mushrooms. That is not to mention hundreds of valuable woods. The sea is warm, with all kinds of I believe in bigfoot and beer hawaiian shirt and short. Straightforward statement like her. I am sure the bitterness I have not found the cause yet, but today she said frankly, must be true. Just like you said, my navy and troop statues have an overwhelming appearance. Not a single mission came here without showing admiration. And the truth that Champa navy once terrified foreign merchant ships passing through our waters. But it was also strange, if the first battle had been made with the navy Chan Lap, Tuy, Duong, Tong, Mong Nguyen and Dai Viet, it

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