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and destroy it, and sanction those involved. At that time, hundreds of households producing wood-ear fungus in Truong's village had to close their doors or switch to other jobs, leaving only about 30 households remaining in this profession. Because the School produces high quality wood-fungus, gradually attracting customers, many businesses that did n Biden Rating Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt. small, the smell of rotten tofu is spreading throughout the street, customers who are tens of meters away can also smell it. Li's rotten tofu is really delicious, can sell 800 yuan a day, minus 400 yuan costs, it still earns 400 yuan, minus the rent of premises and electricity, it earns about 8,000 yuan a month. . Business was getting better and better. Li opened three more stores, profit per month was about 6,000 yuan. Having a lot of money, knowing the techniques of making rotten tofu, Li is very confident. He began to think about a new development, renting a large three-storey store on the busiest street in the city, and did not stop at just selling

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