The thought in my mind, you are the breath in my breath. So she just said what I think. If you do not believe, try to speak up. Seeing in the king's words expressing a genuine sentiment, Huyen Tran bravely: Your Majesty's country is rich, but the people are hungry. The people made it all, but the court let them live like a pack of animals. Your Majesty has a large army, especially the navy and the statue of soldiers, which is both beautiful and powerful, but not an invincible army. His Majesty's subjects Bigfoot summer camping time hawaiian shirt and short. Squares, from paint to paddles, were identical in series. Back and forth to follow the flag flag of the drum rhythm rhythmically, eating well. The statues are beautiful, the navy is more than a match and is much more expensive. But these well-organized armies only have the effect of parading on festive occasions, or intimidating the good people, but meeting a strong opponent is immediately broken. Why? Because the general did not have a plan. Also because the soldier did not try to fight the enemy.

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