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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

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Hia embroidered with golden Garuda bird. Abdominal, tied a pearl belt, on the hip is wearing a sword engraved with the image of an elephant-head god Ganesa, body, symbolizing the long power nearly sweeping the ground. The sheath is gold, ivory hilt is encrusted with rubies. Above his head, the king wore a spiked golden cylindrical hat. The top of the tip is attached to a diamond the size of a bird's egg, always radiating a seven-sharp light like rainbow light. The king has a young face, brown eyes, Gilmore Girls bicycle unicycle unitard hockey puck mug. Recently, with the edict of the court, the mandarins of the county were newly restored. I worked a few more waiting houses, a cottage made of paintings and bamboo, and gathered a few stored products, waiting for the king's chance to stop. Knowing exactly that the king would welcome Princess Dai Viet here, the local officials ran wild, taking care of all kinds of things. People around the area listened to the king and the new queen, stayed at the translation place tonight, they eagerly offered

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