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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

BEAUTIFUL In this home we rock an extra chromosome doormat

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When the 13th century came to an end, the two great maritime empires of the Mediterranean, Genoa and Venice attacked each other in a vital battle for trade routes. Around 1292, in a damp prison of Genoa, a Venetian naval commander killed time for days and weeks by recounting his life to a fellow inmate named Rustichello, a famous and humble author. yield of Pisa. In this home we rock an extra chromosome doormat. What this prisoner, held on the island of Curzola in Dalmatia, told his new friend was a myth! For at least a century before he was imprisoned, his family was wealthy by trading with the East, holding a shop filled with spices and silk in the Venetian neighborhood of Constantinople, the mall. great at that time. Venice was made rich not only by rare oriental goods, but also by the influx of pilgrims and crusaders to and from the Holy Land.

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