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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

BEAUTIFUL Jesus be still and know that I am god canvas

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Definitely cost customers. ” His wife's words awakened Tieu Li and hurriedly said: “Whoever says I can't take it for free, tomorrow we will do that, I believe that customers will come, and our couple's business will flourishes." Tieu Li's wife shook her head and said: “People are a big boss who wants to show off their prestige to do so. And we only have a small business, the mouths to eat only look at this photo studio. If you take pictures for free, should we breathe the air to live? " Tieu Li gleefully pulled her wife aside and said: "You can see if this is okay, we will post a notice in front of the store Jesus be still and know that I am god canvas. Addition, you can use computer software to write greetings on photos, and leave the name of the store. Free photography is the way we advertise for ourselves, children's photos are now often made into a polite album for friends and relatives to come to see, maybe those people have never been to our brand. But when you see that the nickname on the photo will come to try it, that is also an effective way of advertising. " Tieu Li's free birthday photos for children have been very effective.

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