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hs. ” Duong did not look at her husband, said: "Three months for what, I have to explain to you right now, don't get around." Li said: “Currently, your books do not win gold positions in bookstores, which you probably know, if you want to have a good location, you have to pay fees, but that fee is fixed, regardless of whether you are in a good position. if you can sell books or not, you still have to pay. If you compare that fee to the profit of selling books in good position, you will lose 5,000 yuan a month. Now that your company has 300 books, only 10 boo Mama Of A Spoiled Rotten Yorkie Shirt. ory, there will be no money to implement a new project, if you borrow money, the interest rate is at least 10% per year, if you borrow 100 million, you have to pay 10 million interest, while the money to make books. still "overslept" in stock. Looks like the only way to ask for help from the government. Vu is a leading model in the cultural movement of the province, it will probably be chGovernment help and encouragement. Thinking before and after, Vu found Quan - the director of the provincial bank. Vu and Quan are classmates in the same university class and have edited books and articles together, but later on each have their own care

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