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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

BEAUTIFUL Mexican cowboy you don't stop riding when you get old canvas

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The proud, arrogant nature makes people want to believe: virtue brings suffering; But in fact, it is only until completely eliminating dirty, cynical and pathological thoughts that man is in a position to understand and declare like that, that suffering is the result of good qualities - not of his evil qualities. And on his way to supreme perfection (a very, very long time of course) he will realize from consciousness and from life the great law is always right, accordingly, never you can pay back, or resentment. Having that knowledge, when looking back on one's blind and stupid past, one will know that life is always properly arranged, and all past experiences, good or bad, are are the fair achievements of oneself - an evolving but incomplete entity. Mexican cowboy you don't stop riding when you get old canvas. At the door, she startled to look back. She did not understand why that damn maid kept pushing the pram to go straight to the taxi. At the same time, the taxi door opened. In the car appeared the face of a man who did not look very kind. Linh felt that something was not right, the nanny rushed to the place, then Kalan jumped into the car and slammed the door. The man in the motorbike turned on the motorbike and the taxi pulled back a bit and jumped forward. The nanny hurriedly followed, thrust her hand through the doorway, trying to grab the child's leg. The people in the mansion ran into the street. They saw Kalan punching the nanny in the face and knocking her out onto the roadway. Her screams reached the neighbors and everyone in the mansion, including the mistress. But by the time Gian Potiano ran out, she could only witness the brave but desperate act of the nanny. She ran to chase the taxi in vain. Alas everything was too late!


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