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BEAUTIFUL Pilot what a part of don't you understand poster

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State-created displacements make our livelihoods uncertain and volatile. Furthermore, these actions impose additional responsibility on the government. But unfortunately, the law does not limit itself to its proper functions. And once beyond its proper functionality, it not only does so on a few trivial and controversial issues. The law went further than that, it acted in stark contrast to its own purpose. Law is used to destroy its own ends: It is used by people to destroy justice that should be preserved, is used to limit and destroy rights Its destination is to be respected. The law places collective forces in the hands of immoral people who want to exploit people, the liberty and property of others, without risk. It turns plunder into rights to protect plunder. And turn legal protection into a crime, aimed at punishing legal protection. Pilot what a part of don't you understand poster. If you feel doubt about the morality of those institutions, people will say like a nail: “You are an innovator, a utopian, a theorist, a person with an overwhelming idea. pouring danger; you can shake the foundations of society ”. If you teach ethics or politics, then there are state organizations that propose to the government the following ideology: "Do not continue teaching that science from the point of view of free trade. (of liberty, of ownership and of justice) as ever. This science is only taught from the point of view of the facts and laws that govern French industry (facts and law contradict freedom, property, and justice). That means that the teaching positions are funded by the state, the professors must be very restrained, not endanger, even the smallest, to respect the current law ”[23].

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