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For Bastiat, law is negative, he agreed with a friend who pointed out that it would be wrong to say that law creates justice. The truth is, the law must prevent injustice. "Justice is only when injustice is not left". This may confuse some readers. But if you think carefully, it will be seen that a free and just society is a society in which there are no violent interventions against individuals, where individuals are left alone. The result of widespread legal plunder is chaos because law and morality have become contradictory. “When law and morality contradict each other, citizens have a harsh choice: losing their sense of morality or not. respect the law ”. For many people, what is legal, Bastiat points out, is legitimate. That's why they get confused. And conflict. Walt disney castle starry night van gogh poster. But we assure the socialists that we are only against the imposed organization, not the natural organization. We reject the forms of associations that are imposed on us, but we do not reject free associations. We reject forced charity, we do not reject genuine charity. We reject fake solidarity, that is, solidarity makes people no longer personal responsibility. We do not reject the natural solidarity of mankind under the guidance of God. How do politicians believe in the bullshit idea of ​​enacting laws to make what the law doesn't have - wealth, science, religion that in a positive sense creates prosperity? prosperous? Is that due to the influence of writers writing about social issues? Today's writers - especially those of the socialist school of thought - build their theories on the common hypothesis: They divide humanity into two parts. The general population - except the writers themselves - form the first group. Writers form the second and most important group. Surely this is the most nonsense and presumptuous concept ever!

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