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(Fast Shipping) Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved highland cattle poster

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The desire to rule others It must be said: The world has too many "great" people - legislators, organizers, enthusiastic reformers, leaders of the people, old fathers of nations. , etc. Too many people rode themselves on people's necks; they organize, foster and rule over the people. But someone would say; "You are also doing it". It's correct. But I must admit that I act in a completely different sense; If I joined the ranks of reformers, the sole purpose of this was to persuade the people to be left alone. I don't look at people like Vancauson looks at his automaton. Not only that, physiologists accept the human body as it is, and I accept the people as they are. I just want to study and admire them only. Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved highland cattle poster. Law is justice. And it cannot be said - as it is continued to say - the law can be atheistic, ndividualistic and cruel; that it will transform people in its own image. This is an absurd conclusion, only worthy of those who worship the government, that is, those who believe that the law is human. Nonsense, bullshit! Do the government worshipers believe that free people will stop working? If we don't get energy from the law, will we not get energy at all? If the law only functions to protect the free use of our energies, cannot we use our powers? Assume that the law does not force us to follow some form of religion or association system or educational methods or labor regulations or certain commercial regulations or charitable schemes; will we immediately plunge into atheism, hide, ignorance, suffering and greed? If we are free, will we no longer recognize the power and kindness of God? We will no longer be united, from helping each other, loving and helping our unhappy brothers, not studying the secrets of nature and trying to improve ourselves by our best ability or something? The path to dignity and progress Law is justice. And it is according to the law of justice - in the realm of rights; Under the influence of freedom, safety, stability, and responsibility - each person will attain his or her true worth and the true dignity of who he is. Only according to the law of justice can mankind achieve - slowly, not only without doubt but with certainty - the progress of humanity in order and peace according to God's design.

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