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Not die because of the arrow spear. The king of the people came to constrict his liver and stomach. He said to himself: “This trip to Chiem, everything is going well, we will release the soldiers and return to the hometown to do business. Not only that, but also to reduce the farm tax for the people, and force the rich to also reduce the rent for the poor. Then encourage mourning, salt work, mining, and the trade of goods throughout the country. There must also be special treatment to those who have Down syndrome black cat crack car decal sticker. Emperor reminding: “Save my son. Do not eat or drink anything. Order it right away! ”. So I meditate in the sitting position and command her. I suspect soon, the emperor will be blessed. After thinking for a long time, Huyen Tran suddenly "ah" exclaimed: I remember when she ordered the maid's hands to be cut off. I knelt down and asked her to forgive her death. "Your Majesty sees this scene, you must cut off my head," she said in panic. I think she thought the king preferred me more, and so she was

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