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Leader of the democrats Consider Rousseau on the topic under discussion. He is highly respected by democrats. And although he built the social structure according to the will of the people, he was someone who, more than anyone else, fully accepted the theory that in front of the legislators, the people were just a bunch of people. completely passive: If it is true that a great prince is rare, isn't it true that a great legislator is even more rare? The prince only followed the model set by the lawmakers. The legislator is the mechanic, the inventor of the machine; Hoang is merely a mechanic, starting up the machine. JD tractor window view poster. The dictator's arrogant attitude Robespierre claimed that he stood on a towering summit compared to all humans! Please pay attention to the arrogant attitude in his words. He was not satisfied with praying for a great human spiritual awakening. Nor did he hope that strictly regulated government could produce such results. No, you will reform humanity yourself, through terror. These series of hateful and contradictory statements are quoted from an essay by Robespierre, whose purpose is to explain the moral principles that the revolutionary government must follow. Remember that Robespierre demanded a dictatorship not solely for the purpose of repelling foreign invasions or crushing opposition groups. He needs a dictatorship in order to use terror to force the country to accept his own principles of morality. He said this action was only a temporary measure, before a new constitution.

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