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HOT Jesus and lion the perfect combination canvas

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He argues that there are two factors that make it impossible to hope for the success of economic freedom. "Not just social prejudice," Smith said, "but the undisputed interests of many people are irresistible" [3]. Using the phrase "social prejudice," Smith implies that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the often abstract and complex arguments of economists when they prove the superiority of the market. freedom compared to different forms of government intervention and control. And the phrase "the undisputed interests of many" refers to special interests that benefit from government controls aimed at limiting or preventing public competition, and therefore will always actively advocate to keep those management measures. Combined, Smith feared that the two actors would forever prevent the logic of economic freedom from winning in the arena of thought and politics. Jesus and lion the perfect combination canvas. Claude Frédéric Bastiat can easily become a companion to those who signed the Declaration of Independence of our country. The view of freedom and the proper role of government of those who signed the Declaration of Independence is evident in the immortal statement: “We affirm the obvious truth that everyone is born equal. Equality, that the Creator has given them a number of inalienable rights, including the right to life, the right to freedom and the right to seek happiness. That governments are created to guarantee these rights… ”. Bastiat shares the same view when he writes: “Life, energy, production - in other words, individuality, freedom, property - are people. And despite the cunning of ingenious political leaders, the three gifts of God predate and stand above man-made laws.

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