Is a studious person, eager to read scriptures. So, by this lesson, I also want to encourage her seriousness, so that she can see the profound intention of the sage, to teach the post-graduate, to study to be human, not to learn to puree. Guan Yu threw a look at the Prince again and asked: Prince, I say that, have you received the intent of the essay? Ecstasy. Knowing this boy did not understand the article, he explained it clearly and simply. The Prince listened attentively, his eyes lit up, his face Labrador retriever american flag firework hawaiian shirt. On His Majesty. The poor monks only asked to report the things that His Majesty entrusted. Che Man, from the moment he entered the temple gate, saw that his soul was right, he was able to clarify things that only a few minutes ago was doubtful. The king said: I have heard the prime minister say everything. But I also want to hear the Venerable Master say everything I can see and hear. Especially the private meetings between the Venerable Master and Truc Lam, the great merchant Hoang Tran

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