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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

HOT Motor racing happiness isn't around the corner it is the corner canvas prints

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At the door, she startled to look back. She did not understand why that damn maid kept pushing the pram to go straight to the taxi. At the same time, the taxi door opened. In the car appeared the face of a man who did not look very kind. Linh felt that something was not right, the nanny rushed to the place, then Kalan jumped into the car and slammed the door. The man in the motorbike turned on the motorbike and the taxi pulled back a bit and jumped forward. The nanny hurriedly followed, thrust her hand through the doorway, trying to grab the child's leg. The people in the mansion ran into the street. They saw Kalan punching the nanny in the face and knocking her out onto the roadway. Her screams reached the neighbors and everyone in the mansion, including the mistress. But by the time Gian Potiano ran out, she could only witness the brave but desperate act of the nanny. She ran to chase the taxi in vain. Alas everything was too late! Motor racing happiness isn't around the corner it is the corner canvas prints You come see me! - The mysterious man continued to speak - around 10 o'clock at night. Don't come early, to no avail. Right now your son is healthy and safe. I know you well, so I will watch you every step of the way. If someone else escorted you or if I saw walking near you someone who seemed like a policeman, a private detective, I wouldn't go to see you. In that way, the last hope of finding his child would be lost. The author told his wife the content of the conversation. Gian Potva asked Tacrang to take him with him to find his son, but Tacrang firmly refused. If he did not go alone, that mysterious man would not show up. After a while he and his wife broke up. He prepared to go to Dovơ. Gian Potova went back to his room and sat by the phone waiting for news. The two of them turned their backs in two directions. Poor young couple! They will still encounter many bad things.

Homepage: Rippandemicshirt

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