Up some talented guys, we can rest assured. The most desirable thing of me, in order to ensure that the people are full, strong, one-hearted, the whole country is one house, so do not worry about the north. The fact that we set up the Zen Truc Lam sect is that we want to direct the entire people towards the realm of goodness. We conscientiously bring what the Buddha's commandments taught us to pass on to the people. Looking forward toall families are warm, happy, full of goodness and kindness in the Pumpkin happy halloween trick or treat hawaiian shirt. The queen decide? The question gave the queen a panic, she did not know how to answer it properly. Indifferent a moment she said: Your lordship, the fate of my mother and child is determined by the emperor. I also don't know what to do. Only love a prince who is still in his adolescence. His lordship is the pillar of the court, and the father of the prince, he must have brought here the commandment of willpower. I don't lack advice, I'm just afraid that the queen doesn't have the guts to do what needs

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