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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

HOT Sewing I'll be in my office shirt

e included in the bestsellers list as well, and thus the national sales will also increase. Beijing market only accounts for 20% of the national market. You said if the extra money paid to the staff is not profitable, at the same time, our books will also get out of the position below the bookshelf for a better position, so more than 300 books Ours will all sell more, right? ” Duong does not seem to believe: "Well, you say it is good, but what sure is the book sales staff will befriend us?" Reason said: “This is not difficult, first of all, you have staff survey the market, the book store staff are very welcome to them. Bookstores produce better books, of course they also make more money. Besides, why did you ask the staff to invite them to eat? It was because he did not want to treat this as a business, dinner like friends, the bookstore staff was busy all day, when the time was over, Sewing I'll be in my office shirt. y, do you have collateral?" Vu took a book from the set of The Prosperity Museum and handed it to Quan and said: "This series of books is mine, everyone knows about it, the number of sales is not small, it belongs to the category of books that can be sold for a long time, no. sales are very stable. Considering the current business situation of the company, each set has a cover price of 20,000 yuan, but the actual consumption price is only 10 thousand yuan, selling 10 thousand sets each year, it can earn 100 million yuan.

Homepage: BANANHQD.

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