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HOT Vietnam veteran my oath never ends poster

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Turning any book on philosophy, politics or history, you will find in our country this idea - son of classical theories, mother of socialism - is deeply rooted. what level. In all of those books you can find the idea that humanity is just inert matter; it has a life, an organization, a morality and prosperity is due to the power of the state. Worse still is the statement that humanity tends to degenerate and it is through the miraculous hand of the legislator that that decline is averted. The ubiquitous classical thought says that behind that passive society is a power, called a law or a lawmaker (or another term, just a person or people of influence and authority. undisputed credit) is driving, controlling, helping and transforming humanity. Vietnam veteran my oath never ends poster. To show that this strange idea has held the upper hand in France, I need to cite not just the complete works of Mably, by Raynal, by Rousseau and Fenelon - plus long quotes from Bossuet's works and Montesquieu - but also had to expose the entire proceedings of the State Covenant. I will not do that, please read these works yourself. Napoleon wanted a passive humanity Of course, it is not surprising that Napoleon enjoyed this idea very much. He obeyed it enthusiastically and enthusiastically used it. Like a chemist, Napoleon considers all of Europe the material for his experiments. But, in the process of making, this material reacted against him.

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