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NEW Christians are always strong lion and lamp poster

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each braid of interest 80 yuan, at that time, Tan earned 16 thousand yuan - a number too positive compared to before working as a construction worker - 10 hours a day. clock, so tired but only have a few salaries, spend every month it is, if there is excess, it is not worth much. Tan was happy to feel like he had dug a "gold mine", rushed back to his hometown and bought hair in large quantities, after half a year, he became a resourceful little boss in the eyes of the people, Christians are always strong lion and lamp poster. es, there is not much difference in reality. He also tried to cooperate with middle-tier distributors in other localities, but the results are still not very good, because there are so many types of auto parts, the two sides who want to cooperate also have to pay a lot of costs and That distributor also has familiar brands, they will only focus on some dominant and well-known items in the Tai market. One day, Tang - Tai friend has a convenient visit. Two friends have not met for a long time, hands shaking hands happy, Tai invites you to eat dinner. Knowing that Tang also has many good initiatives in business, Tai cleverly told you about the bottleneck situation that his company is facing. Being two close friends, Tang was not busy, but went to the topic: “Business is alsoDivided into many types, your business form is a trading company, so you need to master a few key points as fol

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