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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

NEW Doberman window poster

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“We cannot buy alcohol, tobacco or salt without paying taxes. And the law allows for a portion of the tax we pay to give to people richer than us - in the form of privileges or pensions. Still others use the law to raise the price of bread, meat, iron or cloth. Thus, since all others use the law for our own benefit, we also want to use the law for our benefit. We demand the law the right to relief, that is, plunder for the poor. To get this right, we must also become voters and become lawmakers so that we can organize the Beggar Association widely for our class, as you organized the Conservancy widely for your class. Please don't tell us, the beggars, that you'll act for us and then do as Mr. Mimerel suggested - give us 600,000 francs so we don't mess around - it's no different from throwing them. I lump. We have other claims. Anyway, we wish to negotiate by ourselves just as the other classes negotiate for them! ” Doberman window poster. For Bastiat, law is negative, he agreed with a friend who pointed out that it would be wrong to say that law creates justice. The truth is, the law must prevent injustice. "Justice is only when injustice is not left". This may confuse some readers. But if you think carefully, it will be seen that a free and just society is a society in which there are no violent interventions against individuals, where individuals are left alone. The result of widespread legal plunder is chaos because law and morality have become contradictory. “When law and morality contradict each other, citizens have a harsh choice: losing their sense of morality or not. respect the law ”. For many people, what is legal, Bastiat points out, is legitimate. That's why they get confused. And conflict.

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