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Have many talented men, but the court has not united them to become strength. I told you, she said what I thought. I admit what she said is real. Even more painful is that our country, in every human being, has the germ of division, all the seeds of hostility towards each other. But do you know why my kingdom became so shallow? The king seemed uneasy. Thiêp dare not hide what I think. But if the words of a young girl speak out of the mouth, do not please Your Majesty please take it as a fool's Union pacific living legend no. 844 hawaiian shirt. Speaking of which, Huyen Tran was startled as if he had gone too far, offended the king. She thoughtfully paused to find out if the king still wanted to hear or who was about to rage. But no, the king still listened attentively, although his face was a bit sad. Seeing Huyen Tran stop speaking, the king urged: From up to now, I have only heard sweet and delicious words like molasses. Even if I try to ask forever, that's all. Sometimes we think that they are all telling the truth. I've never heard such a

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