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OFFICIAL Aerosmith 51st anniversary thank you for the memories

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Sound familiar? Bastiat also discovered another dynamic - beyond a desire to appropriate - that lies behind legitimate plunder: "false compassion". Once again, he realized the contradiction. If philanthropy is not voluntary, it destroys freedom and justice. The law cannot give people anything without first taking them from their own owners, he applies such analysis to all forms of government interventions, from import and export taxes to the so-called public education. Bastiat recalled Adam Smith's conviction "of men of the system", that is, those who viewed the people as mere black pawns, moved on the board by people. In order to fulfill their goals, lawmakers must eliminate human diversity, because diversity will interfere with the plans they make. Forced obedience (is there any other way?) Is a must. Bastiat quotes a few writers in this bias, then replies: Aerosmith 51st anniversary thank you for the memories. Everything you see on this wonderful island is a result of Minos' laws. The education he required to teach children makes their bodies strong and robust. From the very beginning, children are introduced to a life of frugality and work, for it is thought that all entertainment makes the body and the soul weak. Therefore, people do not allow them to participate in any entertainment, other than the joy of becoming invincible for being brave and winning glory ... Here one punishes three vices that the people others do not: ungratefulness, hypocrisy, and greed. There is no need to punish those who swing their arms over their forehead and waste because there are no such phenomena in Crete ... No expensive furniture, no fancy clothes, no good parties, there is no gilded palace. The teacher prepares his students' thoughts - the people of Ithaca - to put in a pattern and shape, certainly with the best of intentions. And wanting to convince his students of the wisdom of these ideas, the teacher read them the example of Salentum. That is the philosophy that helped us get our first political ideas! We were taught to treat people like people instructing farmers how to make and take care of their fields.

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