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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

OFFICIAL Bookshelf I have no shelf control poster

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The relationship between the citizenry and the state in modern Russia goes back to the usual diagram: "Strong State - Good Citizen". It seems that we are still breathing the rest of the free air we have received since 1991. The new authorities have not reverted us to the old totalitarian paradigm yet. building the stereotype of the so-called modern Western "democratic" society. People have not even implanted in our minds the attitude of unconditional submission to the rulers in the name of the "people". We still do not respect the state as those in power want, do not like to pay taxes and sometimes criticize the bureaucracy. Perhaps, in spite of our long history of totalitarianism, somewhere in our hearts, we are - still free people. For the time being. Bookshelf I have no shelf control poster. A closer look at this topic shows us the motivation to use the incompetence assumption as the basis for voting rights. The motive is that voters or voters do not exercise this right for themselves, but for everyone. In this regard, the most extensive electoral systems and the limited electoral systems are no different. They differ only in what is considered impotent. There is no difference in principle, only difference in degree. If today's Greek and Roman ideological republicans require - people have the right to popularize votes from the moment they are born - it would be unreasonable for women and children to participate in the elections. public. Why not give? Because they are considered incompetent. And why is incompetence a reason for people to vote? Because not only voters to vote have to bear the consequences of their vote, because each vote touches and affects everyone in the entire community, because community members have the right to demand. some safeguards against actions on which their well-being and survival depend.

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