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Princess, the king turned his gaze back to the four directions, he continued in a low voice: My greatest happiness is that you know how to put water first. I understand your heart. But the court did not understand my heart. Post-generation, because of this, criticize me, I have to bear. We have no ambiguity, nor are we persistent in relations with smaller countries that are weaker than our own. I only take the prosperity of the country and the welfare of the people, but the praise and criticism of Dachshund and pumkin happy halloween hawaiian shirt. Of the sentence he said, her heart was even more troubled. He explained: The Chinese saints say that, which means: Heaven cannot have two suns, just as one country cannot have two kings. There were not two kings, nor did there be two queens. Then one of them is no longer a queen. Did the king remove the person he just ordained? The thing was clear. Please the queen to document. Like a dose of poison that gradually seeped into the body, making Queen Tapasi cringe. Pretending to be serious,

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