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OFFICIAL Hairdresser god says you are poster

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With a monopoly in education, the government must respond to the hopes of parents, who for that reason are deprived of their freedom; And if all these hopes were to dissolve into smoke, who to blame? Taking the control of industry is the government taking responsibility for making it prosper, otherwise depriving it of its freedom would be absurd. And if the industry goes down, who is to blame? Interfering in the balance of trade by changing import and export taxes is that governments are committed to making trade prosper, but if they do not prosper but collapse, who is the fault? Protecting maritime industries to give up their freedoms is the government committed to making these industries profitable, but if they become burdensome for taxpayers, why is it to blame? Hairdresser god says you are poster. Today, the PR profession has evolved as a primary tool in forming public opinion in response to the needs of group strength for a common purpose. Sometimes people say PR can wave its angel wings and solve any media crisis. It is believed that the work of the PR world for this new millennium is that "PR is a free man, an indispensable tool and a soul mate." Whether anyone cares or not, the default PR always exists. There is nothing better than investing in and using PR to build, maintain, or develop a brand in the public's view. Defining what is PR, what is not PR is not certain, but PR is always important to any organization and to anyone.

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