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Others. He kept chasing the images from the early days with Tran Anh Tong, to the fact that he followed the king's servant, and was promoted to court officials over the past few years. But his eyes stopped on the housekeeper hands with the way the tea was brewed. Alas, why does he do the things so well and so well. So much so that Nhu Hai felt like he was born in this life to do all that tea making. He swarmed tea outfits from the moment the super water boiled. Teaware is a kind of pottery Bat I like big buds and i cannot lie t-shirt. Southern Han but killed Luu Hoang Thao in Bach Dang River. Le Hoan was like the Song but killed Hau Nhan Bao, Quach Quan Bien, Trieu Phung Hung in Chi Lang, that was a time. Once again, using the reincarnation as Ly Nhan to send Ly Thuong Kiet, Tong Dan to attack the Kham, Liem, Ung, destroy tens of thousands of Song troops to invade our realm. After that great ambush, he retreated to the defense on the south bank of Nhu Nguyet river. When Guo Quy and Trieu Tiet pulled troops over, Ly
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