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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

OFFICIAL Lion woman warrior jesus I am storm poster

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There was one reader who sent me an email saying, while waiting to get on the phone fly, he picked my book freely and read it, thinking that this is just a book written for small business people like selling baked goods, selling rotten tofu on the street, unexpectedly after reading it. After seeing, this book is not only useful for small owners but also for big owners, so he decided to buy the book to go home and read. Let me explain for a moment, why did I name this book Small Boss Success Experience: According to the government's corporate classification standards, excluding retail, rental or Serving food, all businesses with a turnover of less than Lion woman warrior jesus I am storm poster. in moderation, then how can you make a profitable business? That is why the small restaurants next to the station are often empty and unprofitable. What meat is dumpling made from? Is the flour stale? What is cooking oil? Each guest when he eats himself poses these questions, if he does not trust each other, how can he do well? " After listening, listening and thinking, what Mr. Dai said was what he used to think, but could not analyze in detail like Dai. He scratched his head and said: “Speaking like me, your business is considered unsuccessful?

Homepage: TEASEARCH3D.

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