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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

SALE OFF Labrador by the window canvas

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She heard Mrs. Grandmother ask, she had finished the preparations, and then slowly replied: Yes, from now on, please call me Diep Tu! I will return to earth to reclaim the debt that mankind inflicted on me! Ending his words, Diep Tu turned on his heel. Since then, Diep Tu's revenge begins. It becomes a nightmare no one wants. Will things be out in the end? Three years later, it all reappeared ... One fine morning, at Hau Vinh company, the staff are sad. Everyone's face was sad and bored. Recently, the business has been losing money, the partners no longer dare to pay any more, the company is increasingly slipping. Suddenly someone shouted loudly inside ... Labrador by the window canvas. If the nation is built on that basis then I think order will prevail in human relations, both in thought and in action. I think such a nation would have the most simple, acceptable, inexpensive, compact, non-oppressive, just and enduring government imaginable - whatever the formality. how is its value Under such a government, people will understand that they have all the privileges and responsibilities of their life. If people are respected, free to work and the fruits of their labor are protected, from being unfairly attacked, no one can have any complaints about government. When we succeed, we won't have to thank the state for our success. And conversely, when we fail, we will no longer think of blaming the state for our misfortune, just as the farmer will not blame the state for hail or frost. One perceives the state only because of the invaluable blessing of the security built by the government based on such a concept.

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