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In 1825, he inherited a small estate in Mugron, left by his grandfather, and stayed there until 1846 when he moved to Paris. During the 1820s, Bastiat spent most of his time reading books and articles on a variety of subjects, and shared books and ideas with his friend, Félix Coudroy. Coudroy seemed to be a socialist, and Bastiat began to perfect coherent writing and thinking skills by making arguments that eventually persuaded his friend to turn to self-philosophy. due. In the late 1820s and in the 1830s, he began to write monographs and essays on various economic topics. But it wasn't until 1844 that he had a real reputation, when he published a lengthy article in support of free trade and then a monograph on Cobden and League: Poster cowgirl some time I look back on my life. With a monopoly in education, the government must respond to the hopes of parents, who for that reason are deprived of their freedom; And if all these hopes were to dissolve into smoke, who to blame? Taking the control of industry is the government taking responsibility for making it prosper, otherwise depriving it of its freedom would be absurd. And if the industry goes down, who is to blame? Interfering in the balance of trade by changing import and export taxes is that governments are committed to making trade prosper, but if they do not prosper but collapse, who is the fault? Protecting maritime industries to give up their freedoms is the government committed to making these industries profitable, but if they become burdensome for taxpayers, why is it to blame?

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