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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

TOP Almost there poster

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Man makes use of experience (including even the smallest) and daily events as a means of acquiring knowledge about himself, including: knowledge, wisdom and strength. That is also the absolute rule that: "Whoever searches will find, whoever knocks on the door will open". Endless patience, experience, and persistence are the only way for a person to enter the door of the temple of knowledge."Plants sprout out of seeds and are indispensable, just as all human actions are rooted in secret seeds of thought, and it would not happen without these seeds." Almost there poster. A person only begins to be truly human when he stops whining and cursing, and begins to seek hidden justice to re-adjust his life. He adapts his mind to that regulatory factor, he stops accusing others as if they were the causes of his situation, but developed himself with powerful and noble thoughts. He ceases to struggle with circumstances but uses them as an aid to faster progress, and as a tool to discover the strengths and abilities hidden within himself.


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