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TOP Merry christmas home malone

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João II could not choose a better person to launch his first surprise attack on two impossible targets: Asian spice and Prester John still often elusive. The Vasco da Gama 1497-1499 voyage was simply the most impressive maritime achievement of the time, a journey back across 45,000 km of oceans to reach its target - India. Although Columbus praised him, he never did anything like that. Furthermore, Columbus's definition of his target as the East India" evoked the highly desired geographically precise terms, which he implied Japan, China, India, or the kingdom of Prester. John. Merry christmas home malone. Unlike Columbus, before anchoring, da Gama carefully gathered maritime knowledge. He identifies Calicut on the Malabar coast in southwestern India as the subcontinent's richest import-export hub - almost exactly where the southwest monsoon brought his ship after leaving the East African coast. Da Gama achieved the staggering maritime feat thanks to two initiatives.

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