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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

TREND Finally my bitch face can rest mug

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A prophet may be born a merchant, but when he dies he is a rape. Shortly after being expelled from Mecca in 622, he began attacking the pagan caravans there. The new religion declared that all the possessions of the defeated pagans were to be taken away, with one fifth going to Allah and the umma the masses the rest for the victorious army and the division of the commanders. 34 If someone converts voluntarily, his wealth will not be taken away. Therefore, as more distant tribes converted, it was necessary to go even further to raid the still resisting heathen tribes in search of food. Finally my bitch face can rest mug. Following the Prophet's death in 632, this process continued to escalate as some were defeated while others were led simultaneously by the political, spiritual, and military might of the new religion, and By yearning to preserve wealth, he saw the light and converted. Both mechanisms peaceful conquest or conversion quickly pulled the Islamic border far and wide far from the peninsula's starting point.

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