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  • Writer's picturerippandemicshirt

TREND Running You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit poster

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Certainly these classical theories [developed by the teachers, writers, legislators, economists and philosophers of our time] assert that all Everything comes to people from outside sources. To give another example, Fenelon [bishop, writer and teacher of the Duke of Burgundy]. He was a contemporary of Louis XIV. This, coupled with the fact that he was taught in the spirit of classical and old theories naturally caused Fenelon to accept the idea that humanity must be passive; that unhappiness and prosperity, corruption and virtue are all the result of external influences, influenced by law and the legislators. Therefore, in his work of Paradise at Salentum (Utopia of Salentum), he writes that man - with all his rights, abilities, aspirations and possessions lies under the absolute leadership of the founder. France. People cannot solve anything by themselves, the authorities decide on their behalf. He described Running You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit poster. I think this is true theoretically, since any question is discussed - religion, philosophy, politics or economics, whether the question has to do with prosperity, morality, equality, rights, justice, progress, responsibility, cooperation, property, labor, trade, capital, wages, taxes, population, finance, or government - any of the above Scientific horizon in which I started my work, I always come to the following conclusion: Solutions to problems in human relations must be found in freedom.

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