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TREND Sea turtle wisdom travel at your own pace poster

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Through his parable, Bastiat cleverly dispelled the economic misconceptions of the French contemporaries. Today, in modern America, intellectuals as well as politicians continue to tell us that letting foreign-made goods enter freely will make us poor or chaos. Land and damaging hurricanes create prosperity because they create a need for rebuilding that we realize the end of a culture that doesn't know Claude Frédéric Bastiat. But to think that Bastiat is just an economist is a flawed assessment. Bastiat is the foremost philosopher of law. It was the work of Law that gave him such position and role. In a period when France was captivated by the false promises of socialism, Bastiat was interested in the law in the classical sense of the word, he used reason to find social organizing principles. Assembly best suited for people. Sea turtle wisdom travel at your own pace poster. But what is the profile that Louis Blanc is talking about? Does it lead to an abyss? (No, it leads to happiness.) If so, why wouldn't society go there on its own accord? (Because society doesn't know what it wants, it needs to be motivated). What must motivate it? (Government). And who is the driving force behind this government? (Why ?, ask the inventor of the machine - Louis Blanc in this case). The vicious circle of socialism We will never get out of this circle: the idea of ​​passive humanity and the power of the law that the great man uses to motivate people. Once society has been placed on this inclined plane, will it still enjoy some freedoms? (sure). What is freedom, Mr. Louis Blanc?

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