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Economic Myths. and Selected Essays on Political Economy [17] (roughly translated: Selected Essays on Political Economy). During his later years, Bastiat spent part of his time. For a work on social philosophy and the principles of economics, published under the title Economic Harmonies [18] (roughly translated: Economic harmony). Henry Hazlitt was right to emphasize that the most important ideas in many of Bastiat's writings are embodied in an essay titled "What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen", that was the last work he wrote before his death [19]. He pointed out that the short-term effect of any action or policy is often very different from the long-term consequences, and that, in fact, those far-reaching consequences do may be the opposite of what was originally planned or hoped for. Bastiat can apply the principles of sight and invisible to government taxes and business. When the government levies taxes, what is seen is the workers getting jobs and the result of their labor: a road, a bridge or a canal built. What is invisible is all that can be produced if people do not collect taxes from private sector workers and if resources and labor working for the government are free to serve needs. of the other citizens. Government can do nothing without taking the resources and labor that the private sector is using, Bastiat explained. Truth lord lion who is jesus poster. Claude Frédéric Bastiat can easily become a companion to those who signed the Declaration of Independence of our country. The view of freedom and the proper role of government of those who signed the Declaration of Independence is evident in the immortal statement: “We affirm the obvious truth that everyone is born equal. Equality, that the Creator has given them a number of inalienable rights, including the right to life, the right to freedom and the right to seek happiness. That governments are created to guarantee these rights… ”. Bastiat shares the same view when he writes: “Life, energy, production - in other words, individuality, freedom, property - are people. And despite the cunning of ingenious political leaders, the three gifts of God predate and stand above man-made laws.

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