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But in addition to the errors and limitations mentioned above, Economic harmony is still a work of insight. This work attempts to offer a broad vision of the causal relationships between employment, division of labor, voluntary exchange, and people working together to improve their living conditions, as well as the importance. private property, personal freedom, and free trade, both internal and external. With freedom, there will be social harmony, because each person no longer sees his neighbor as an enemy but a partner in the process of continually improving his or her living conditions. When relationships are based on mutual consent and agreement, there can be no plunder, but only fortification, because each person works to exchange with his neighbors and has items that improve everyone's and everyone's lives. Violin your talent is god's gift to you poster. Looking at the period when Bastiat focused all of his energies on the fight for freedom and free trade, one can draw the conclusion that his life had failed. Both when he was alive and after his death, in France, both free and free trade remained in the grip of protectionism and interventionism, and never achieved such a degree. economy like the United Kingdom during the second half of the nineteenth century. But Bastiat's life must be regarded as a dazzling success. For the 150 years after his death, each new generation of advocates of economic freedom has been inspired by his writings. The parables and essays are as fresh as if they were just written yesterday, for they speak of the nature of human cooperation and the dangers of political intrusion. social order and market order.

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